Tuesday, November 22, 2016

[Филиппинд Англи хэл сурцгаая]

J Park Усан парк 

1 өдрийн ҮНЭГҮЙ  хөтөлбөр!!!!!

Зөвхөн SMEAG ийн оюутнуудад нээлттэй хүний тоо хязгаартай тул та яараарай!!!! 

1 өдрийг зугаатай өнгөрүүлэх алтан боломж шүү!!!

Friday, November 18, 2016

[Себу хотын аялал, амралтын газар болон ресторант  ]

Сайн байцгаана уу !
Өнөөдрийн миний танилцуулах газар бол Себу хотод алдартай Pink house буюу LA VIE PARISIENNE ресторант юм. 

LA VIE PARISIENNE нэр нь "Парисын амьдрал" гэсэн утгатай нэр боловч хэн ч асуусан мэдэхээр "Ягаан байшин" гэж нэрлэдэг.

Pink house гэж нэрлэх болсон шалтгаан нь дотоод засал чимэглэл нь өдөр шөнийн аль ч цагт харсан сакура цэцгийг санагдуулам тийм үзэсгэлэнтэй харагддаг тул хүмүүс Pink house гэж нэрлэдэг. 

Тэндхийн 1 давуу тал нь орчны хувьд маш тухтай.
Гадаах талбайд сууж амарч болохоор тухтай орчинг бүрдүүлж өгснөөрөө давуу тал юм. 

Мөн хамгийн таалагдсан зүйл нь маш романтик орчныг бүрдүүлж өгснөөрөө хүмүүсийг илүүтэй татдаг юм. 

Уг ресторант нь хэд хэдэн хэсгээс бүрддэг. 

Пуб, бакери, ресторант, кофе шоб болон пиццаны газар гэсэн хэсгүүдээс бүрдэнэ. 

Үүдээр ороход хамгийн түрүүнд таны анхаарлыг татах зүйл бол дарсны мухлаг байх болно.

Та эндээс хүссэн дарсаа сонгож болох бөгөөд төрөл бүрийн нарийн десерт болон чиз(cheese)
сонгож болно.

Гадаах талбайд суухдаа пицца ч захиалах боломжтой. 

Гадаах орчин нь яг л бяцхан зугааллага хийж байгаа юм шиг сэтгэгдэл туруулэх болно.

Хэрвээ та Себу хотод аялна гэж төлөвлөж байгаа бол энд нэг ирээд үзээрээ :P 

Та бүхэнд таалагдана гэж найдаж байна_ 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

[Study English / School in Cebu, Philippines] SMEAG Semptember Newsletter 2015

[Study English / School in Cebu, Philippines] SMEAG September Newsletter 2015

As promised, here's our MONTHLY NEWSLETTER!

To start with, let's have the newly opened SMEAG Taiwan Office:
With much honor, we have just opened our SMEAG Taiwan Office.
We take much pride as this will be more efficient and more convenient to Taiwanese
who want to study English here at SMEAG.

SMEAG celebrated its 9th Year Anniversary last August 21, 2015 (Friday)
at Sacred Heart School (old school) Gynasium. Students, Teachers and Staff from Sparta, Classic and
Capital Campus participated in this once in a year big event.

Third, SMEAG Outdoor Activities!

And last but not the least, our STUDENTS POPULATION PER NATIONALITY.


1. SMEAG Taiwan Office
3. SMEAG Outdoor Activities

Please be informed. Thank you!

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is a progress. Working together is success."
~ Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company

Thursday, August 27, 2015

[Study English / School in Cebu, Philippines] SMEAG Lucky 9th Anniversary

[Study English / School in Cebu, Philippines] SMEAG Lucky 9th Anniversary

SMEAG celebrated its 9th year Anniversary last Friday, August 21, 2015.

Students, Teachers & Staff from Capital, Classic and Sparta campus 
participated in this once in a year event.
Before the program started, SMEAG offered a thanksgiving mass for all the blessings that we have been receiving!

The celebration wouldn't have been completed without this group picture or
so called as "groufie" which means, "group selfie"!

And of course, with the special participation of our very own, Mr. Hwang & Mr. Atsumi.

During the said event, different activities were held: SPORTS competition, cultural dance competition,
Festival Queen competition and of course, Awarding ceremony.


(Capital, Classic, Sparta, Admin)

The last but not the least:

(Winners & Loyal Award)

SMEAG recognizes the good works & efforts exerted by our hardworking & cooperative employees.
These are just some of the memorable moments during the celebration.
To see more photos, you may view them on our facebook page: 



"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."
~ Henry Ford,  American industrialist

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

[Study English / School in Cebu, Philippines] SMEAG Island Hopping Activity 08-16-15

[Study English / School in Cebu, Philippines] SMEAG Island Hopping Activity 08-16-15

SMEAG provides not only good quality of education to our International students but also activities that could
strengthen the good relationship between these students.

Last weekend, SMEAG students from KANSAI UNIVERSITY had a blast as they went to Island hopping.

Near the Olango Island, these students went to swimming and snorkeling under the heat of the sun.

The weather was indeed made to order!! As you can see in the photos, it seemed as though nothing could
stop them from enjoying the beauty of one of the most famous islands in the Philippine archipelago.

After swimming & snorkeling, they then headed to the famous floating restaurant just 15-20 minutes away from the area.

Before heading back home, our dear students had a scrumptious lunch together.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Monday, August 10, 2015

[Study English / School in Cebu, Philippines] SMEAG Newsletter: AUGUST 2015

[Study English / School in Cebu, Philippines] SMEAG Newsletter: AUGUST 2015

SMEAG always wants to keep everyone in the loop, so here's our Newsletter for the month of August.

SMEAG Monthly News!!

News 1: Korean Junior Camp 2015
News 2: Student of the Month
News 3: Academic Awarding
News 4: New Outdoor Activities
News 5: SMEAG Airs in Japan
News 6: Volunteer Activities
News 7: Students Population per Nationality

Please be informed. Thank you!

Monday, July 27, 2015

[Study English / School in Cebu, Philippines] SMEAG Volunteer Activity "School Painting" 2015

[Study English / School in Cebu, Philippines] SMEAG Volunteer Activity "School Painting" 2015

July 25, 2015, the painting activity was held at one of the public schools here in Cebu City, Philippines.

Staff and the students of this school prepared a short yet overwhelming program for our students.

The school presented us the Certificate of Recognition:

This shows that the school really appreciates the help that they received from us. It's indeed a good start!!

After the short program, SMEAG Korean, Chinese & Taiwanese students then proceeded to the activity.
Pretty sure they had fun!

These are just some of the memorable moments that were taken during the said activity.

This is just one of our ways to help the Filipino community. Thank you for the helping hands everyone! Good job!!!

"The hands that help are holier than the lips that pray."
~ Robert Green Ingersoll, a lawyer, a Civil War veteran, political leader